A Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is an area selected on scientific criteria and protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 because it contains wildlife or geological features of national importance for nature conservation. Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) were designated under the EC Habitats and Species Directive which came into force in 1992. All SACs, together with Special Protection Areas (SPAs) designated under the EC Wild Birds Directive to protect rare and migratory species of birds, comprise a network of sites known as the National Sites Network and represent the very best of Wales’ nature. Terrestrial SACs sites in Wales are also Sites of Special Scientific Interest. A 300m buffer was added along non-riverine biological SSSIs, and 100m along riverine biological SSSIs by NRW who must consider any impact on the SSSI from proposals on adjacent land. Geological SSSIs have no additional buffer. While consultation is necessary for both SSSIs and their buffers, there are instances where appropriate planting would be beneficial or have minimal impact. Consultation is not necessary within the 100m riparian buffers provided that the mandatory guidance detailed in GN002 is followed. Please see GN002 for further information and contact details.

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Creation date:
10 September 2021
Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information (OGL)

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features, gwc21_sssi_buffer
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