The Communities at Risk Register 2019 (CaRR) has been developed to provide an objective means of identifying risk and prioritising flood risk management activities at a Wales-wide, community level. It applies a standard methodology across all flood sources to calculate a theoretical ‘danger score’ that allows comparative risks to be quantified and ranked (from High to Low).

CaRR 2019 has been replaced by CaRR 2024 – Present Day which is now available at the following location:

The CaRR comprises a spreadsheet that identifies and ranks individual communities for,

1. a natural, ‘undefended’ scenario, and

2. a managed scenario (based on the presence of defences and flood warning).

It is complemented by a GIS layer which defines the individual Community polygons and is attributed with danger scores, community rankings and other metric information.

Further information is available in the metadata -

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Contains Natural Resources Wales information © Natural Resources Wales and Database Right. All rights Reserved. Contains Ordnance Survey Data. Ordnance Survey Licence number AC0000849444. Crown Copyright and Database Right.

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  • nrw_carr_2019_all_outputs

  • nrw_wales_carr_town_areas

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