This dataset comprises of information regarding recent Natural Flood Management projects within Wales. 

Data regarding different Natural Flood Management projects was derived from proformas sent to key stakeholders including Welsh Government and Natural Resources Wales. 

Geographical accuracy may differ between projects as points were derived from information provided by stakeholders in a non-mapped format and therefore should be thought of as indicative. 

Information within the status report may also differ in its accuracy due to the means of its collection, stage of project, level of reporting available, and crucially the date when accessed compared to the reference date above. This status report therefore provides a “snapshot in time”.

The status report includes information regarding a projects:

  • Unique ID
  • Name of Project
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Partner(s)
  • Funding
  • Cost (£)
  • Location
  • Water Framework Directive Management Catchment Name
  • Water Framework Directive Operational Catchment Name
  • Project Type
  • Primary Aim
  • Measures
  • Other benefits

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Attributes (27)

Attribute name Label Description
unique_id ID A unique ID per project as the ID of the WFD Management Catchment and an alphabetic identifier for those catchments where there are multiple projects.
id_unigryw ID ID unigryw fesul prosiect fel ID Dalgylch Rheoli WFD a dynodwr yn nhrefn yr wyddor ar gyfer y dalgylchoedd hynny lle mae prosiectau lluosog.
name Name of project Name of the project as provided in the information proforma.
enw Enw'r prosiect Enw'r prosiect fel y'i darperir yn y profforma gwybodaeth.
start_date Start Date Start date of the project.
dydd_cychwyn Dyddiad cychwyn Dyddiad cychwyn y prosiect.
end_date End Date Known or proposed end date of the project.
dydd_gorffen Dyddiad Gorffen Dyddiad gorffen hysbys neu arfaethedig y prosiect.
location Location Location of the project as provided in the information proforma. Used as a basis for the georeferencing of the points within the shapefile.
lleoliad Lleoliad Lleoliad y prosiect fel y darperir yn y profforma gwybodaeth. Fe'i defnyddir fel sail ar gyfer geogyfeirio'r pwyntiau yn y ffeil siâp.
mancatname WFD Management Catchment Name WFD Management Catchment the project is located within. Dalgylch Rheoli WFD y mae'r prosiect wedi'i leoli ynddo
opcatname WFD Operational Catchment Name WFD Operational Catchment the project is located within. Dalgylch Gweithredol y Gyfarwyddeb Fframwaith Dŵr y mae'r prosiect wedi'i leoli ynddo.
partners Partner(s) Name of the known project partners as provided in the information proforma.
partneriaid Partner(iaid) Enw'r partneriaid prosiect hysbys fel y darperir yn y profforma gwybodaeth.
funding Funding Name of the known funding mechanism used by the project as provided in the information proforma.
cyllid Cyllid Enw'r mecanwaith ariannu hysbys a ddefnyddir gan y prosiect fel y darperir yn y profforma gwybodaeth.
cost_pounds Cost Quantity of funding allocated to the project as provided in the information proforma.
proj_type Project Type The type of project to date, where known, project stages to date have also been included / Swm y cyllid a ddyrannwyd i'r prosiect fel y darperir yn y profforma gwybodaeth
math_pros Math o Brosiect Mae'r math o brosiect hyd yn hyn, lle gwyddys, camau prosiect hyd yma hefyd wedi'u cynnwys.
prim_aim Primary Aim The primary aim of the project as the dataset includes both NFM specific projects but also wider environmental projects which have an NFM benefit.
prif_nod Prif Nod Mae prif nod y prosiect gan fod y set ddata yn cynnwys prosiectau NFM penodol ond hefyd prosiectau amgylcheddol ehangach sydd â budd NFM.
measures Measures The known measures which have been proposed and/or implemented in the project.
mesurau Mesurau Y mesurau hysbys sydd wedi cael eu cynnig a/neu eu gweithredu yn y prosiect.
o_benefits Other Benefits The multiple benefits aiming to be achieved as part of the project.
budd_arall Manteision Eraill Y buddion lluosog y bwriedir eu cyflawni fel rhan o'r prosiect.

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Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information (OGL)

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Natural flood management
Point of contact:

<p>This dataset was developed to aid in the understanding of Natural Flood Management projects across Wales.</p>

Temporal Extent
Jan. 1, 2015, midnight - Dec. 31, 2022, midnight
Data Quality
<p>This is not a derived dataset.</p> <p>The user should be directed to the Status Report Summary Document for the methodology used to produce this dataset.</p>
Supplemental Information

<p>Information collected on projects from 2015 &ndash; 2022</p>
<p>Data collated and status report produced &ndash; 2022</p>
<p>This dataset is one of a suit…

Spatial Representation Type
Vector data is used to represent geographic data