Attribute name | Label | Description |
geom | ||
uprn | UPRN | |
school_cod | School Code | |
name | Name | |
language | Language | |
iaith | Iaith | |
street_des | Street | |
town_name | Town | |
locality | Locality | |
postcode | Post code | |
status | Status | |
statws | Statws | |
gender | Gender | |
rhyw | Rhyw | |
type | Type | |
math | Math | |
easting | Easting | |
northing | Northing | |
lat | Latitude | |
lon | Longitude |
State Middle Schools Wales
Welsh Government
State Middle Schools Wales.
School locations datasets compiled from OS Addressbase, mylocalschool and the Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC).
School Categories
- Middle School: ages 3-16
- Middle School: ages 3-19
- Middle School: ages 4-16
- Middle School: ages 4-19
Language Categories
- Welsh medium: Welsh is the language of the day to day business of the school. Welsh is used as the language of communication with the pupils and for the school’s administration. The school communicates with parents in both languages.
- Dual stream: Both Welsh and English are used in the day to day business of the school. The school communicates with parents in both languages.
- Transitional: Welsh is the language of the day to day business of the school. A high priority is given to creating a Welsh ethos. The school communicates with parents in both languages.
- Bilingual type A: At least 80% of subjects apart from English and Welsh are taught only through the medium of Welsh to all pupils. One or two subjects are taught to some pupils in English or in both languages.
- Bilingual type B: At least 80% of subjects (excluding Welsh and English) are taught through the medium of Welsh but are also taught through the medium of English.
- Bilingual type C: 50-79% of subjects (excluding Welsh and English) are taught through the medium of Welsh but are also taught through the medium of English.
- Bilingual type Ch: All subjects, except Welsh and English taught to all pupils using both languages.
- English with significant Welsh: The day to day language or languages of the school are determined by the school’s linguistic context. Both languages are used as languages of communication with the pupils, parents and for the school’s administration.
- English medium: English is the language of the day to day business of the school, but some Welsh is also used as a language of communication with the pupils. The school communicates with parents either in English or in both languages.
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- Type:
- Spatial data
- Publication date:
- 07 November 2022
- Licence:
- Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information (OGL)
- Point of contact:
- Language
- English