This “Priority Habitat - High Sensitivity” data layer shows semi-natural habitats which are listed as priority habitats under Section 7 of the Environment (Wales) Act 2016. The data layer has been updated and includes priority habitats not previously covered. Tree planting on these areas will generally destroy the priority habitat and the species which depend on them, and so should be excluded from planting proposals. For more details, see GN002. If you have grounds to believe that an area of “Priority Habitat - High Sensitivity” has been wrongly recorded, use GN009 “Providing additional evidence to support Glastir Woodland Creation applications” which explains how to submit photographic evidence to support your proposal.

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Maps using this data (1)

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Attributes (2)

Attribute name Label Description
priority_habitat Priority habitat

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Spatial data
Publication date:
Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information (OGL)

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features, gwc21_priority_habitat_high_sensitivity
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Spatial Representation Type
Vector data is used to represent geographic data