The Coastal Risk Management Programme (CRMP) supplements the core flood programme, supporting investment in Local Authority capital schemes in line with Shoreline Management Plans. It provides the opportunity for a three-year focussed period of investment on coastal risk from April 2019 to March 2022.

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Attribute name Label Description
Prog_cy Rhaglen
Programme Programme
Risk_M_cy Awdurdod Rheoli Perygl Llifogydd
Risk_Manag Risk management authority
Scheme_nam Scheme name
Location__ Location
Revenue_fu Funding allocated (2021-2022)
Cost_of_sc Cost of scheme
Funding_al Funding allocated (2021-2022)
P_of_w_cy Cyfnod y gwaith
P_of_W_en Phase of works
Number_of Number of properties expected to benefit Unwaith y bydd y gwaith adeiladu wedi'i gwblhau / Once construction complete
X Easting
Y Northing
Cons_cy Etholaeth y Senedd
Cons_en Senedd constituency
Region_cy Rhanbarth y Senedd
Region_en Senedd Region

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Environmental resources, protection and conservation. Examples: environmental pollution, waste storage and treatment, environmental impact assessment, monitoring environmental risk, nature reserves, landscape

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Date modified:
10 June 2021
Not Specified


Not applicable

Arfordirol, Coastal, CRMP, crmp_programmes_20_21, Environment, RhRhRA
Point of contact:

<p>This map shows the locations of the schemes within the Coastal Risk Management Programme.</p>

Temporal Extent
April 1, 2021, midnight - March 31, 2022, midnight
Data Quality
<p>The information contained within this map has been provided by the Local Authorities who are responsible for delivering these schemes. Funding to progress to construction is subject to completion and agreement of an appropriate business case and obtaining relevant permissions and consents. Costs remain estimates until the work has been tendered.</p>
Spatial Representation Type
Vector data is used to represent geographic data