This layer shows where woodland creation will potentially alleviate flooding. This data layer comes from “Working with Natural Processes” (WWNP) - a research programme led by the Environment Agency in collaboration with Defra, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and Welsh Government. The programme aims to protect, restore and emulate the natural functions of catchments, floodplains, rivers and the coast. As part of the programme, a set of maps indicating where natural process measures could contribute towards flood risk mitigation was produced. This included a woodland dataset for Wales covering • Floodplain woodland. • Riparian woodland. • Wider catchment woodland This is modelled data that provides a simple view of potential target planting areas, but without considering complex catchment characteristics. This is used to provide a scoring layer. While the different woodland types could provide a possible scoring hierarchy, this is very dependent on multiple criteria relating to individual sites and proposals. Therefore, we have not provided a scoring hierarchy but based scoring on whether a proposal sits within a mitigating area or not. Scores of 0 have no potential for flood mitigation; scores of 5 have good potential for flood mitigation.

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grid_code Score

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Creation date:
04 August 2021
Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information (OGL)

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features, GWC21_WWNP_Flood_Mitigation_Dissolve_Score
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