- Title
- WOM21 Social Benefits
- Abstract
This layer shows where woodland creation is expected to contribute to social benefits of improved mental health and access to green space. It is a combination of two different indicators from the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) 2019 that are relevant to woodland creation. • Physical Environment - Access to Greenspace – adjusted for estimated population density o This shows areas ranked by their access to accessible greenspace (e.g. Parks, Playing fields, Commons). o This is adjusted for density so that higher population density areas with poor access to greenspace are ranked higher. • Health - Mental Health o This shows areas ranked on counts (percentages) of people with diagnoses from a defined list of disease registers and sub-indicators obtained from GP practices in Wales. Access to Greenspace was ranked from good access = 0; to poor access = 5. Mental Health was ranked from lower percentage (fewer diagnoses) = 0; to higher percentage (more diagnoses) = 5. The access to greenspace and mental health rankings were then combined to form a score from 0-10. These were then converted to a score of 0-5 in line with other scoring layers.
- Licence
- Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information (OGL)
- Creation date:
- 04 August 2021
- Type
- Spatial data
- Keywords
- features, GWC21_Social_Benefits_Dissolve_Score
- Regions
- Global
- Approved
- Yes
- Published
- Yes
- Featured
- No
- Spatial extent
- Projection system
- EPSG:27700
- Extension x0
- 165002.90625
- Extension x1
- 355262.9375
- Extension y0
- 165554.984375
- Extension y1
- 395975.0
- Name
- DataMapWales
- Link online
- /layers/geonode:GWC21_Social_Benefits_Dissolve_Score
- Metadata page
- /layers/geonode:GWC21_Social_Benefits_Dissolve_Score/metadata_detail
- WOM21 Social Benefits.json
- Excel
- WOM21 Social Benefits.excel
- WOM21 Social Benefits.csv
- GML 3.1.1
- WOM21 Social Benefits.gml
- GML 2.0
- WOM21 Social Benefits.gml
- WOM21 Social Benefits.dxf
- OGC Geopackage
- WOM21 Social Benefits.gpkg
- Zipped Shapefile
- WOM21 Social