This is not a mandatory consultation layer. The areas shown in this layer and associated guidance here does not have to be adhered to as part of a woodland creation proposal and will not affect verification of your plan. However including these recommendations in your woodland creation plan could be beneficial to GCNs and many other amphibian species that may be present. This layer shows where there is good potential habitat for Great Crested Newt based on habitat and species distribution modelling, extrapolated from known GCN locations, and research in Wales by NRW and the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust ( However, their presence has not been formally recorded. Sensitive afforestation can be beneficial for many amphibian species. Great Crested Newts, and other species of amphibian, require a range of damp habitats that provide both resting places and support invertebrate prey that they feed on. Woodland seems particularly favoured by newts. To benefit amphibian species in your planting plan (1) Design the planting scheme to include areas of habitat linking ponds, but leave a buffer of at least 15 metres (around ponds) unplanted. Future site management will be reduced if pond margins are left unplanted. (2) Where possible consider leaving fallen deadwood for shelter. (3) Avoid establishing scrub and tree cover where there would be an impact on water supply for ponds. (4) If any new ponds are being created, refer to this handbook ( (5) Biosecurity measures should be in place when working in or around ponds or to prevent transfer of invasive non-native species or amphibian diseases such as chytrid. It is recommended that works are undertaken in accordance with biosecuritv risk assessments. Further information on biosecurity can be found at

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Creation date:
03 August 2021
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features, GWC21_GCN_Potential_Habitat_Voluntary
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