Local Authorities
Ordnance Survey
This data shows the Local (Unitary) Authority boundaries for Wales.
This dataset is derived from the OS OpenData Boundary Line product: http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/products/boundary-line/index.html
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Spatial data (3)
Local Authorities - Low Water mark
Please see layer group metadata
Local Authorities - High Water mark 2016
Please see layer group metadata
Local Authorities - High Water Mark (no labels)
Please see layer group metadata
Maps using this data (0)
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- Type:
- Spatial data
- Category:
- Boundaries
- Publication date:
- 23 August 2016
- Licence:
- Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information (OGL)
- Point of contact:
- data@gov.wales
- Language
- English