These data identify 10x10m, 100x100m and 1000x1000m areas where a Threatened Lichen has been recorded on Ash. The dataset is designed to allow land managers to rapidly identify whether they need to consider rare lichens when working with Ash trees, especially if they are considering felling a tree because of Ash Dieback


- Red shows where a rare lichen is growing on an ash tree: these are the most important localities for action to prevent damage to a rare lichen.

- Pink shows where a rare lichen that often grows on ash has been recorded, but where the record does not specify the host tree. Consultation with Natural Resources Wales is advisable in these cases, especially in SSSI, because the rare lichens may be growing on ash.

- Yellow shows where a rare lichen that often grows on ash has been recorded on other host trees.

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Contains Natural Resources Wales information © Natural Resources Wales and Database Right. All rights Reserved.

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  • nrw_ash_lichens_alert

  • nrw_ash_lichens_alert_1km

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Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information (OGL)

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