The LiDAR viewer map shows the LiDAR data available for Wales.

Tile availability and information for the Historic LiDAR Archive and Welsh Government 2020-22 LiDAR can be found by toggling the visibility for each layer on or off by clicking on the eye icon next to the layer name in the left-hand panel and then clicking on the area of interest on the map.

Viewing LiDAR data

To view the LiDAR data, open the DTM or DSM folder, choose the desired layer or layers and click on the eye icon by the layer name.

Downloading LiDAR data

There are several options for the downloading of LiDAR data.

The URL links for the Historic LiDAR Archive tiles and the Welsh Government 2020-2022 dataset tiles are available in the feature information pop up panel that appears when clicking on the map when the Historic LiDAR Archive or Welsh Government 2020-2022 tile index layer visibility is turned on.

Alternatively, the How to download LiDAR data guide explains how to use the raster data plug in to download available Historic LiDAR Archive data.

Links to the DTM and DSM datasets 32 bit, 16 bit and hillshade Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs) are listed below. Please note that these are very large files and that downloading the full data can take an extremely long time and a large amount of storage. The COG links can, however, be copied and pasted into GIS such as QGIS as a raster layer. Read more about COGs

Use this data in another application

Please refer to the licence to understand the conditions of using this data.

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Data this map is using (5)

Display in map viewer
Publication date:
Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information (OGL)

Read more about this licence



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