- Title
- WOM21 Priority Habitat Mosaics - Investigation Required
- Abstract
- This “Priority Habitat Mosaics- Investigation Required” data layer shows land that consists of large mosaics of upland habitats - mixtures of priority habitat and upland acid grassland/ upland marshy grassland. These areas of upland acid/upland marshy grassland are potentially plantable, and investigation by desk study as well as a field visit is required. When a location on the datalayer is clicked, a feature information box will indicate the main types of priority habitat present to help identification on site. There may be additional smaller areas of other priority habitat which should also be avoided. Aerial photography which is available as a base layer within this map may assist in this process. Priority Habitat that is not upland acid grassland/upland marshy grassland must remain unplanted within these mosaic areas. NRW must be consulted prior to verification. For more details, see GN002.
- Licence
- Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information (OGL)
- Publication date
- 06 October 2021
- Type
- Spatial data
- Keywords
- features, gwc21_priority_habitat_mosaics_investigation_reqd
- Regions
- United Kingdom
- Approved
- Yes
- Published
- Yes
- Featured
- No
- Spatial extent
- Projection system
- EPSG:27700
- Extension x0
- 146611.8011
- Extension x1
- 355308.0008
- Extension y0
- 164586.2969
- Extension y1
- 395984.399900001
- Spatial Representation Type
- Vector data is used to represent geographic data
- Name
- DataMapWales
- Link online
- /layers/geonode:gwc21_priority_habitat_mosaics_investigation_reqd
- Metadata page
- /layers/geonode:gwc21_priority_habitat_mosaics_investigation_reqd/metadata_detail
- Zipped Shapefile
- WOM21 Priority Habitat Mosaics - Investigation
- OGC Geopackage
- WOM21 Priority Habitat Mosaics - Investigation Required.gpkg
- WOM21 Priority Habitat Mosaics - Investigation Required.dxf
- GML 2.0
- WOM21 Priority Habitat Mosaics - Investigation Required.gml
- GML 3.1.1
- WOM21 Priority Habitat Mosaics - Investigation Required.gml
- WOM21 Priority Habitat Mosaics - Investigation Required.csv
- Excel
- WOM21 Priority Habitat Mosaics - Investigation Required.excel
- WOM21 Priority Habitat Mosaics - Investigation Required.json