- Title
- WOM21 Potential Habitat for Great Crested Newts
- Abstract
- Great crested newts are a European protected species, and deliberate killing injuring or disturbing individuals or damaging or destroying their breeding site and resting places is an offence. This dataset shows distribution of great crested newt (GCN) records collated from surveys, monitoring reports, and licence returns. Habitat suitability has then been modelled to indicate those areas of highest GCN density and potential presence. This dataset shows both designated sites and 6 previously identified Nationally Important Sites with a 1km buffer, as well as sites where there is a high potential of GCN presence, with 250m buffers. New woodland creation can be beneficial to GCNs in providing shelter and foraging. The areas shown in this datalayer indicate where advice on the design of woodland creation is required from NRW. See GN002 for more information and contacts.
- Licence
- Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information (OGL)
- Creation date:
- 03 August 2021
- Type
- Spatial data
- Keywords
- features, GWC21_Great_Crested_Newts
- Regions
- Global
- Approved
- Yes
- Published
- Yes
- Featured
- No
- Spatial extent
- Projection system
- EPSG:27700
- Extension x0
- 146611.8011
- Extension x1
- 355308.0008
- Extension y0
- 164586.2969
- Extension y1
- 395984.399900001
- Name
- DataMapWales
- Link online
- /layers/geonode:GWC21_Great_Crested_Newts
- Metadata page
- /layers/geonode:GWC21_Great_Crested_Newts/metadata_detail
- Zipped Shapefile
- WOM21 Potential Habitat for Great Crested
- OGC Geopackage
- WOM21 Potential Habitat for Great Crested Newts.gpkg
- WOM21 Potential Habitat for Great Crested Newts.dxf
- GML 2.0
- WOM21 Potential Habitat for Great Crested Newts.gml
- GML 3.1.1
- WOM21 Potential Habitat for Great Crested Newts.gml
- WOM21 Potential Habitat for Great Crested Newts.csv
- Excel
- WOM21 Potential Habitat for Great Crested Newts.excel
- WOM21 Potential Habitat for Great Crested Newts.json