- Title
- Environment (Wales) Act Section 7 and OSPAR: Marine Species
- Abstract
Under the Environment (Wales) Act (2016), Section 7 requires biodiversity lists to be produced. These lists include types of species which are of "Principal Importance" for the purpose of maintain and enhancing biodiversity in relation to Wales. This list supersedes the duty in Section 42 of the NERC Act 2006. In addition to this marine species can be protected under the OSPAR Convention, which has established a list of "threatened and/or declining species and habitats" in the North-East Atlantic.
This spatial dataset details the location of those marine species classed of "Principal Importance" under Section 7 and are regarded as "threatened or declining" under OSPAR in Wales. These species include: Alkmaria Romijni tentacled lagoon worm, Anotrichium barbatum bearded red seaweed, Cruoria Cruoriiformis, Edwardsia Timida burrowing anemone, Eunicella Verrucosa pink sea fan, Grateloupia Dermocorynus montagnei, Haliclystus auricula stalked jellyfish, Hippocampus sp., Lithothamnion coralloides Coral maerl, Lucernariopsis Campanulata stalked jellyfish, Arctica Islandica Ocean Quahog, Ostrea Edulis, Padina Pavonica, Palinurus Elephas Crawfish, Phymatolithon calcareum common maerl and Tenellia Adspersa.
Attribution Statement
Contains Natural Resources Wales information © Natural Resources Wales and Database Right. All rights Reserved.
- Licence
- Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information (OGL)
- Publication date
- 15 February 2019
- Type
- Spatial data
- Category:
- Biota
- Regions
- Global
- Approved
- Yes
- Published
- Yes
- Featured
- No
- Group
- Natural Resources Wales
- Spatial extent
- Projection system
- EPSG:27700
- Extension x0
- 146597.099998575
- Extension x1
- 355307.999999999
- Extension y0
- 164538.399999641
- Extension y1
- 395994.09999875
- Organisation
- Natural Resources Wales
- Link online
- /layergroups/inspire-nrw:MarineBAPSpeciesInWales
- Metadata page
- /layergroups/inspire-nrw:MarineBAPSpeciesInWales/metadata_detail