Waste Carriers, Brokers and Dealers
Natural Resources Wales
Waste Carriers Brokers and Dealers dataset contains details of currently permitted waste carriers, brokers and dealers in wales. Historical details are not included. A Carrier is a person who transports controlled waste in the course of a business or otherwise with a view to profit. Waste brokers are people who make arrangements, on behalf of others, to recover or dispose of waste, regardless of whether or not they handle the waste themselves. Waste dealers are people who use an agent to buy then sell wastes, regardless of whether they handle the waste themselves or not.
Attribution statement
Contains Natural Resources Wales information © Natural Resources Wales and Database Right. All rights Reserved.
Please refer to the licence to understand the conditions of using this data.
- Type:
- Spatial data
- Category:
- Environment
- Publication date:
- 10 February 2025
- Licence:
- NRW Conditional Licence (NRW)
- Point of contact:
- opendata@naturalresourceswales.gov.uk
- Restrictions
- Other Restrictions
- Language
- English