This layer shows areas of Wales where a combined basket of 7 tree species can be expected to thrive under a range of factors affecting tree viability. These include soil quality, climate in 2020, flood potential and seasonal extremes. Woodland creation in these areas will contribute to carbon sequestration and timber growth, as well as providing desirable habitat. This data layer comes from modelling work from “Application of ALC and UKCP18 Data modelling for crop suitability” under the Capability, Suitability and Climate Programme led by Welsh Government with input from Environment Systems Limited, RSK ADAS Limited and Cranfield University. The modelling work considered key variables from the Agricultural Land Classification (ALC -soil quality) dataset, UKCP18 (climate) projections, and additional biophysical modelling of wind, frost, salt spray, and flood risk, and how these affect crop growth and selected tree species in different parts of Wales. For the purposes of scoring, this layer is focused on current data (2020) under the medium climate change scenario, as being the most reliable. The representative basket of 7 potential commercial and environmental tree species are:- • Beech, Sessile Oak, Silver Birch • Douglas Fir, Norway Spruce, Sitka Spruce, Western Red Cedar Scoring is based on number of viable tree species per pixel of 50m2; from 0 (areas where none of 7 species are predicted to be suitable), to 5 (areas suitable to all species with no limiting factors).

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Creation date:
04 August 2021
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features, GWC21_Tree_Species_Viability_Dissolve_Score
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